Work in the

Akashic Records


What to expect

Due to my travel schedule, I recently switched to an asynchronous approach to delivering Akashic readings and I’m happy to report, everyone is loving it.

I open bookings on the 1st of every month. In the email notification I let you now how many spots are available so you can snag one ASAP if you want to. Once you pay, I send along a form to fill out with questions so I can deliver a beautiful, relevant, and thorough reading.

Once I receive your form, you can expect to receive your reading in two weeks or less.

Why I love working in the
Akashic Records…

I’m a lifelong student, believer and deep practitioner in healing practices to optimize and harmonize the human experience.In the Fall of 2018, despite all the tools and modalities at my disposal, I had some really big questions I was having difficulty accessing the answers to on my own. After hearing about a dear friend’s experience with the Akashic Records, I booked a reading.

It was one of the most healing and clarifying experiences of my life. The immense amount of love and blessings I felt, in addition to the clear and aligned answers I received during my reading left me feeling like I’d stumbled onto something unparalleled and extra special.

Several months later, during another reading with my practitioner, Helen, I had it on my list of questions to ask if reading the Akashic Records was something I should incorporate into my own private work with clients.

Following synchronicities and trusting in the Divine unfoldment of things is a big part of how I live my life. Well, before I could even ask my question about whether I should learn how to read the Records myself, it came up in my reading that it would be highly beneficial to deepen my own practice and offer this as part of my work with clients. Since then I’ve been mentored by three different teachers, completed two different certifications, conducted over 500 readings (I lost count after that), receive regular readings myself and continue to work in my own records. Working in the records is one of my life’s most potent healing tools, and it’s both an honor and a gift to share it with others.



Important: Readings are not refundable once purchased. I ask that you submit your form within 30 days of booking the reading. Expect to receive your reading within two weeks or less. 



About Akashic Records Readings

If you have a question that isn’t covered here, email us at

Q: What are the Akashic Records?

From Linda Howe, Founder and Director of The Center For Akashic Studies:
The Akashic Records contain the vibrational record of each individual soul and its journey. This vibrational body exists everywhere in its wholeness, and is completely available in all places.

The Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities; and are an experiential body of knowledge and compassion.

Q: What kinds of questions are best to ask?

My thought joggers and tips for coming up with the most valuable questions for your reading (please feel free to venture off of this list, it’s just meant to get you thinking):Where are you stuck?
Needing clarity?
Suffering or in pain?
Where do you need better or different energy or focus?
What habits or patterns do you want to change or shift?
What goals do you have but aren’t sure how to approach them?
What relationships are challenging you right now?
What’s inspiring you that you need help going after?
Where do you feel stagnant?
Where do you need to reinvigorate your passion or creativity?
Do you have any health concerns?
Questions related to business, career, or creative endeavors.

Q: What can I expect from an Akashic Record reading?

Akashic Readings are for spiritual guidance from the records of your own soul.

This is different from an intuitive reading because I step completely out of the way and tune in specifically to your guides. This is why providing context along with your questions is important in the questionnaire you submit before your reading.  

Of course you could access your own records anytime, what I find though is it’s hard to do it for yourself without bias.

I go into my own records regularly, but when I need to really dig into something I’m having resistance around or deeply questioning, I get a reading.

Akashic Records readings help people go much deeper than the surface of what they *think* their issues and questions are. So if you sign up for a reading, be prepared to be nudged beyond what you think is going on in your life.

Readings are never harsh. The energy in the Akashic Field is too loving and compassionate for that. They are very “truth-y” though – so if you are trying to avoid hard things, big changes, the real voice of your soul, or getting in alignment with what you’re really here for, I do not suggest booking a reading.

I was teetering on a massive life shift when I had a reading with Elizabeth. What came through during the reading was so potent. It called forth and affirmed a deep desire in my soul that has brewed on the back burner waiting for the “right time.” Elizabeth’s “keeping it real” sass and her connection to the world of the divine make her readings exciting and powerful. She is deep and lighthearted and clearly connected. She shares with such conviction, clarity and certainty which allow her readings to be direct, simple and easy to take action on. Thank you for such a beautiful and fun experience.

– Kristina Italic


Before the reading I knew where I wanted to go but had no idea how to get there in the long term. I’ve been doing healing sessions over the last little while with other healers that just felt like scooping buckets of water out of a boat with leaks. The reading felt like someone gave me plugs for all the leaks and that my future work would be a long-term, sustainable success.

-Sara K


I have so much more clarity on the next phase of my life and the direction I’m going with my career and plans to move. It’s given me added patience during the pandemic ‘pause’ to know that once the time is right I will be ready to move forward with full confidence. The clarity has also helped me to say no to a potential project that was just going to create more noise and not benefit my goals.

-Megan V


Elizabeth is clear, straightforward, flexible, and understanding. She has great emotional/spiritual/psychological depth, knowledge, tools, and modalities… She is so intuitive, aware, and an incredible medicine woman and healer. THANK YOU!

– Toni G


I had an issue heavy on my heart, and I was seeking higher Truth about it when I went into my Akashic session with Elizabeth. Her reading brought clarity, peace, and the deep knowing of what was actually happening, and the aligned next steps to take. The issue resolved immediately, and along with it, a life-long pattern was broken. I am grateful for her ability to hold an impeccable space of service.

– Lisa Berkovitz


The amount of comfort, clarity & purpose that results from knowing you are seen and loved for exactly who you are at your core is immeasurable! Everyone deserves to know that they are being guided by forces who truly want them to be their highest most authentic self.

– Hannah B


I was nervous prior to the reading, particularly about the level of honesty I wanted to share regarding my current situation. I was surprised to feel very safe in our session, and opened up pretty naturally, a rare thing for me. I decided to go the route of complete honesty, and I am so glad that I did, because what I received in return has left me feeling lighthearted for the first time in a very long time.



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