The Course


Yearlong Mystical Mentorship
In a world that is full of trauma, drama, chaos, and lack, how do you tap into your TRUE power and purpose and let your soul guide you?

How do you find the courage to be who you really are, heal what you came to heal, and do what you came to do? (And I’m not just talking about a career path, I’m talking about how you conduct your whole entire life)

When so much is based on programming and conditioning that makes you feel limited, unworthy, and afraid, where does the energy, effort, and inspiration to break old habits, patterns, and ways of being come from?

When your intuition is whispering (or screaming) at you to defy logic and reason and choose to do something that doesn’t make any sense but feels completely correct, how do you learn to trust that intuitive voice over any doubt?

And when everything feels so friggin’ serious and intense, how do you tap into levity, humor, pleasure, play, and fun – the places where deep belly laughs, wild joy, and actual bliss come from?


Anything in your life has the ability to shift and transform into what it’s meant to be once you learn to honor your feelings and allow the voice of your soul to guide you.

To say that working with Elizabeth is the single most life-changing gift I’ve ever received is no overstatement. I’ve been able to use her container to finally be my whole self without feeling like I’m “too” anything and built a network of like-minded wild souls who cheer me on and hold my grief with me. It’s a world where the safety to be who I am AND be loved for all of it is real and not just in my distant dreams.

– Sara Kassem


The Wild Soul community is a touchstone in my life, a soft place to rest and a rambunctious place to celebrate all that life brings my way. I am so grateful for the body of work that Elizabeth has created and for the countless ways it has made my life better.

– Nicole C. Ayers


This work has absolutely changed my life. It’s helped me shift my relationship with my body and learn how to hear its wisdom. It’s been helping me trust my life’s timing and do an incredible amount of healing. It’s supported my process in reconnecting to spirituality, which I had walked away from after a strict religious upbringing.

– Sarah Histand


Being in Elizabeth’s community has been nothing short of life-changing and I don’t mean that as a euphemism. I mean her work has changed my life. I’ve learned to access and listen to the wisdom in my body and I’ve developed a relationship with this gorgeous vessel that bears my soul that is loving and kind.

– Makeda Pennycooke


I found Elizabeth shortly after going through a tough divorce when I was struggling with who I was and what my purpose was (after being with the same person for 25 years it was a huge change and I was feeling lost). Her work inspired me, challenged me, and helped me let go of things I held as truths that clearly no longer served me.

– Bobbi Billman


I have been deeply touched and transformed by the way Elizabeth has embodied her values and weaved them into her teachings and by modeling it for us. By showing up always as herself with full acceptance and compassion, I have learned to do this for myself.

– Celeste Vallee



What to expect -

The course invites you to explore, examine, and embody the eight pillars of The School of Sacred Embodiment’s Wild Soul Liberation framework – Surrender, Release, Trust, Receptivity, Wild Dreaming, Desire, Love, and Truth.

Through each pillar, you will be guided to build a personal map to access your soul anytime. You will also find ways to heal any wounds that block you from easily and consistently accessing your soul’s wisdom. Most significantly, you will develop the courage to access and express gifts known and unknown to you without hesitation or sabotage. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will have innumerable #youcantmakethisshitup moments (which will become your new normal!).

Power 2023

With this course, you can create a spiritual backbone you can rely on to guide you for the rest of your life.

I know that sounds like AN ENORMOUS TASK, but it’s not as daunting as it sounds when you’ve got a proven framework to lead you through it and, more importantly, when none of it is dogmatic or oppressive! Through our video lessons, movement practices, prayers, mantras, rituals, healing meditations, journaling prompts, and playlists, we’ve got layers and levels of resources to meet you exactly where you are and create a unique and tailored journey to help you do it.

People who bury the truth to keep the peace will always be at war with themselves. It’s time to unearth the truth of your soul and set yourself free.

The Wild Soul Liberation FRAMEWORK

Handing things over to the divine


Arguably the most valuable benefit of Surrender  is handing your needs to be right and needs to control things over to the Divine, but whewww!!! does it take practice. Especially as we navigate a post-pandemic world where so many people’s hypervigilance has been piqued. Whether you realize it or not, the harder you cling to being right and being in control, the harder life is. Period. Surrender is the balm for the stuckness these attachments create.

Surrender helps you get out of your own way and is one of the best cures for self-sabotage. (We’ll also spend some time illuminating how and why you sabotage yourself so that we can apply Surrender to those things, too).

The embodiment tools and practices for surrender will help you address your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies (this includes the nervous system) to make Surrender an easier, more accessible, and more practical choice for you throughout the rest of your life.

Letting go with grace


It’s much easier to talk about letting things go than it is to actually do it. During this mentorship I’ll teach you how to identify not only what needs to be released, but what’s ready to be released – this makes a world of difference.

I’ll also share how to do potent forgiveness work that releases you and others from experiences in the past that are bleeding into the present and dragging it down.

We’ll go over integrating release work physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, AND make it a regular part of your practice so nothing has to build up and explode in your life anymore. Hurrah!

Trusting in life, yourself, and the divine


Trust has been one of my very favorite things to teach for the last decade.

In this mentorship, I’ll specifically dive into how to connect to, cultivate, and trust your Wild Soul Wisdom.

Your Wild Soul Wisdom is the combination of wisdom we all have access to through our intuition, past lives, Beloved Ancestors, and the Divine beings that support us.

Using this wisdom as the guiding light in your life is the best way to alchemize your deepest wounds, mine them for wisdom and soul gifts, and access more expansion, grace, and liberation.

Receiving all that is meant for you


Manifesting isn’t just about your thoughts and your desires. It’s also not about treating the Universe like Santa Claus or an ATM. It’s about getting your ego out of the way so you can perceive and receive what’s truly yours by divine right and it’s also about cultivating the emotional and spiritual maturity not to be distracted by what isn’t.

If you’re tired of chasing things that don’t actually satisfy you or you’re over trying to “manifest your reality” without lasting results – the Wild Soul approach to receptivity is for you.

It’s also for folks who are great at manifesting and would like to become even more aligned and even more receptive.

Expanding your imagination


Wild Dreaming is how I describe the practice of ditching cultural programming, limiting beliefs, and the pain of past failures and rejections to expand your connection to what’s TRULY possible in your life.

Little kids have the most incredible imaginations. As adults, we lose touch with that. We’re often better at seeing why something won’t work than why it will.

Wild Dreaming will bring you back into contact with that limitless, wonder-filled, awe-proned part of you that’s needed to create and live a soulful life of TRUE purpose and power.

Letting your soul’s desires lead


Many years ago a friend at the time who was a metaphysician said to me, “Our Spirits speak through us by means of our desires.”

Years after that, via Florence Scovel Shinn I adopted a mantra, “I only desire that which the divine desires through me.”

Living with this kind of relationship to desire is life-giving in such miraculous ways. It’s a true pathway to alignment.

Wild Soul Desire work is focused primarily on two things:

1) Learning to discern between the desires of our egos and the desires of our souls.

2) Cultivating the courage to do it.

Loving like a mystic


The Wild Soul approach to love is about becoming an exquisite instrument and channel for Divine Love to flow through. It also means making your relationship with yourself one of your life’s most passionate love affairs!

Loving like a mystic means going beyond the kind of love where you try to fix, change or save people. Beyond the kind of love where you chase someone who doesn’t love you back or try to get people to behave differently so you can feel loved.

Mystical love is the kind of love in which you want for others the same thing you want for yourself: whatever God has in store. 

Loving like a mystic means knowing how to set verbal and energetic boundaries and engage in courageous communication with those you’re in relationships with – whether they’re personal or professional. 

Living by your ever-evolving soulful truth


Truth in the context of this Liberation framework is about being tapped into the current of truth that’s evolving within us and around us at all times.

It’s a blend of mystical truths that apply to everyone and soulful personal truths that we must all inevitably encounter and integrate throughout our lives.

This is one reason I selected Caroline Myss’ Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason as required reading. Understanding mystical truths requires us to examine the shadows and the graces that affect all of us.

There is also a way to express and live from your truth that doesn’t deny or overpower other people’s truths. This way, which I call the Wild Soul way, allows you to hold and acknowledge the paradoxical nature of truth – which sometimes feels very conflicting and challenging. It also allows you to hold all of these things with deep compassion and curiosity rather than shutting down.

This is POWER.

What’s included:

Enjoy unlimited access to over 60 hours of content to learn about, practice with, and explore each pillar of the Wild Soul Liberation Framework
Workshops and video lessons for each pillar of the framework
Four embodiment practices for each pillar: Three Wild Soul Wisdom class with mantras and a Wild Soul Flow class with accompanying playlist
Journaling prompts for contemplation and connection with each pillar

Healing meditations for each pillar to be guided by its potent insights and energy in any situation

Post comments and ask questions any time on all content posts in the member portal
THREE BONUS WORKSHOPS! Less Control, More Magic, and Forgiveness

Start streaming as soon as you sign up. 

Lifetime access to all content in the Mighty Networks Portal and the ability to share your experiences and reflections and ask questions anytime

Video lessons, Prayers, Wild Soul Movement practices, and Healing Meditations, for each part of the Wild Soul Liberation Framework

Digital workbook with journaling prompts, activity trackers, mantras, and summaries, for each part of the Wild Soul Liberation Framework.

Bonus Workshops

Less Control Workshop – Learn some tried and tested Wild Soul ways to release control tendencies and heal the fears and insecurities that keep you wanting to control things you can’t. Understand how to discern what is in your control and what isn’t and how to let go of control without freaking yourself out. Best of all, you’ll know how to reallocate the time, energy, and attention you put towards trying to control things you can to rolling with life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.
More Magic Workshop – This workshop explores how to embody, create, and experience more magic in your life. From the day-to-day mundane things to bigger, more meaningful goals, dreams, and connections. Learn how to weave magic in your life that is fueled and inspired by the wisdom of your Wild Soul.
Forgiveness Workshop – Forgiveness is a powerful practice for reclaiming your energy and releasing people, experiences, and circumstances from the past that are interfering with your present. It’s never about excusing anyone’s poor behavior, but rather, adjusting how you engage with what has happened. This powerful workshop provides numerous ways to forgive and release with compassion so you can call your power back and move forward.


You read that right – if you know me you know that I’m a child of the 80s and I friggin’ love the Care Bears!

Developing Body Love + Reverence and basking in the benefits is liberatory work that should be accessible to as many people as possible.

I’ve been experimenting with inclusive and accessible pricing models for years and am super proud to offer what I’ve lovingly and playfully dubbed The Care Bear Model.

The Care Bear Model allows you to register at the economic tier that honors both the offering and your financial resources. You can pay in full or split your payments over three months with no finance charge and everyone gets access to the same content.

Selecting the right tier for you helps make the course as accessible as possible for you and as sustainable as possible for me as your guide.

Tender Heart $199 or $67/mo x 3months

*Access to all course content
*Plants 5 trees with One Tree Planted

Cheer Bear $349 or $117/mo x 3 months

*Access to all course content
*Plants 10 trees with One Tree Planted

Funshine $499 or $167/mo x 3 months

*Access to all course content
*Plants 15 trees with One Tree Planted


Trees are extremely important to our environment and reforestation helps to mitigate the effects of global climate change. Since we are big fans of the Earth at The School of Sacred Embodiment, we love to contribute a portion of our sales to this initiative. According to onetreeplanted.org, “Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.” Since 2021, we’ve planted almost 2000 trees and counting!

[photo credit: @onetreeplanted]


If you have a question that isn't covered here, email us at hello@untameyourself.com


Wild Soul Movement™ is a suite of healing movement classes created by Elizabeth DiAlto.
Wisdom class uses gentle movement and breath to learn to connect with and listen to your body, mantras to reprogram the mind, and meditation to cultivate inner peace. Think of these sessions like work-ins – rather than workouts.

Flow class is a place to reclaim and redefine your connection and relationship to your body, your sensuality, and how you live, move, express, love, and respect yourself. Each playlist is carefully curated to a theme that will have you experiencing your body in loving and liberating ways you likely never have before (unless you’ve taken class already!). Part intuitive, sensual movement, part free dance, these classes are kind of like pole dancing but without the pole.

Fusion class combines Wisdom and Flow to help you develop a kind and loving relationship with your body.

All fitness levels, body shapes, sizes, and abilities, are welcome in all Wild Soul Movement classes. No dance experience is necessary, and we provide plenty of modifications for anyone who needs them.


No. While everything we do at the School of Sacred Embodiment is rooted in integrative practices for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual consciousness, how you connect to “God” “The Divine” “All That Is” “The Universe” or whatever you call it / however you related to it, is your business. Everything we teach is offered in a way that can be put in the context of whatever your belief system is and we’re not dogmatic about anything


Watch the video and read through everything on the page. If any of it resonates for you, has you feeling curious, open, excited, and interested, it’s for you. If you’re feeling ambivalent, skeptical, or it’s not really your vibe, trust that! A mystical approach to a better relationship with the body isn’t for everyone.


Everything lives in one convenient portal on Mighty Networks and there is also an app so you can log in, stream content, and connect with the community on any device, anytime. After you sign up you’ll receive a welcome email with instructions for how to access Mighty Networks. It’s very easy. 


As this is a go-at-your-own-pace digital course where everything is provided upfront, I cannot provide refunds or credits on purchases. This is why I encourage you to watch the video and read through everything on the page before you join.


Yes! All of the embodiment practices are very gentle and accessible. There is also a variety of practices so you can experiment and find what works best for you. 


All course participants are welcome to book a one-off 1:1 Embodied Healing Session with me anytime. Email hello@untameyourself.com for the link. It’s $333 for a 45-minute session.