Accessing Your Truth In The Age Of Distortion

Your healing, consciousness, and liberation ripple into your families and communities in immeasurable ways. It’s never just about you but many good, healing, and liberating things do start with you. Join me for a transformative workshop exploring higher spiritual and personal truths to navigate our changing times with power and purpose. 


Well, we’re living in a time where our freedoms appear to be under attack in ways a lot of people never thought we’d see in our lifetime. And while it’s a popular and even understandable stance that “If you’re not afraid, there’s something wrong with you!” spiritually seasoned and mature folks who have done enough shadow work and have experience facing “the dark” know there’s more going on than meets the eye.

Does that mean you never feel anxious or afraid? Probably not.

But it does mean you have the capacity to not get stuck there and spiral out.

We’re in a time of great transition and great transformation, and we need more people with the spiritual resolve and fortitude to not get stuck and spiral out, especially into fear, anxiety, and doom-thinking.

As we navigate an age where dis/misinformation, fake news, and AI-altered and generated media are ever present, knowing how to reliably tap into what’s true and real so we can move through life with integrity, make wise choices, protect ourselves, and care for each other through the transition and transformation is crucial.

No matter how spiritually “advanced” you are, this workshop will help to strengthen your spiritual muscles in practical and embodied ways, sharpen your skills, and add a few tools to your mystical toolkit that you will be really glad to have in the coming months and years.


The Relationship Between Truth, Reality, and Lived Experience: Understand how these elements interact to shape our perceptions.
The Four Types of Truth: Engage with various truths essential for spiritual growth and fortitude.
A Three-Part Framework for Tapping into Your Truth: Learn to never feel “confused” or “stuck” again, even during heightened emotional states.

The Role of Courage in Embodying Truth: Discover /remember what REAL DEAL love and light means, beyond superficial spiritual bypassing.


The Grace of Openness: How to navigate relationships and conflicts with ease, even when truths clash.

Holding Paradox + Multiplicity: Guidance for developing and deepening the skills to understand and integrate multiple truths, a vital ability for spiritually oriented people.
Energetic Attunement Wrap-Up: Receive a powerful attunement to strengthen your discernment, courage, and relationship with truth.



2.5 hour workshop hosted by Elizabeth DiAlto (includes Q+A)


Saturday July 27 11am-1:30pm Eastern Time
*The workshop will be recorded, and you’ll have access to it for 90 days—plenty of time to revisit the material.



Peer Reviews:

“As a woman lost in her mind all day, I am liberated by Elizabeth DiAlto’s teachings on returning to our bodies to rediscover ourselves. And she doesn’t just talk it — she EMBODIES it: You can feel her living & breathing (& dancing!) her message in every post — can’t wait to learn more from her.”

Glennon Doyle, NY Times Bestselling Author of Untamed, Love Warrior and Carry on Warrior

“Elizabeth is the real deal. She is a modern-day healer for those of us who are looking for a new approach to embodiment and spiritual practice. Not only is she just magical but she also is an amazing example of how to have a deep connection to spirituality while holding space for the realness of the world. I just love everything about her.”

Trudi Lebron, Founder of The Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching, Host of the Business Remixed Podcast

“Elizabeth DiAlto is a force of nature. She is a natural leader who brings honesty, vulnerability and humor to the exploration of sometimes difficult topics. An original thinker with a deep lust for life, Elizabeth inspires her community simply by being her authentic, raw, brave, ballsy, brilliant self. I encourage all of my clients to become a part of Elizabeth’s Wild Soul world and they are forever grateful.”

Terri Cole, Creator of Boundary Bootcamp, Author of Boundary Boss


Known for her nuanced, inclusive, and humor-infused approach to spirituality and the healing arts, Elizabeth DiAlto is an Embodiment Specialist and a Spiritual Futurist.

In 2013 she founded the School of Sacred Embodiment, where she’s developed a range of healing and liberatory frameworks and modalities that blend together movement, energy work, and mystical wisdom. Her specialty is helping people live through what she calls the highest part of all of us – our Wild Soul.

A native New Yorker with Boricua and mixed-European roots, Elizabeth now calls Miami home, is an avid salsa dancer, and has a laugh that has been described as “a sound bath of sunshine and joy.”



Is your money in a place where $99 is easily affordable for you?
Great – sign up here.


Is $99 a stretch for you at the moment? We got you! Click here to select a lower rate(minimum $22)
**INTEGRITY NOTE: Pay What You Can pricing reflects our awareness and care that not everyone has the same budget but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get the same access. Please choose the rate that works for you without any guilt or shame.


Do I need to have any particular spiritual practice or belief system for this workshop?

No. Everything we offer in the School of Sacred Embodiment is geared towards spiritually oriented people, but no specific belief system is best or required. You’ll be able to integrate this workshop through whatever beliefs or context you come with.

Will the workshop be recorded?

Yes. Our workshops are always recorded and you keep access to the recordings for 90 days. I also send a few reminder emails to watch the recording before it expires so you don’t miss it.

Where is the workshop hosted?

All workshops are Zoom webinars – you will not be on camera, so come as you are!

Will I be able to ask questions during the workshop?

Yes! I leave plenty of time at the end for Q+A.

Student reviews:

To say that working with Elizabeth is the single most life-changing gift I’ve ever received is no overstatement.


I am so grateful for the body of work that Elizabeth has created and for the countless ways it has made my life better.


Eizabeth’s work inspired me, challenged me, and helped me let go of things I held as truths that clearly no longer served me.