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This is a different kind of episode. I wrote this post on Facebook yesterday and after all the notes, thank you’s and shares, I felt the nudge to record it, so you can listen to it whenever you need it and also, added a little twist for you as well, have a listen and please share with anyone you know who can also use the love and encouragement. Thank you.
The original post:
(With extra special love to my own personal clients, #wildsoul women and loved ones who I know are showing up and doing their very best right now.)
You’ve got this.
I know the pain can feel almost unbearable sometimes and the weight of all that lies ahead of you can be terrifying, but you’ve got this.
I know you might feel totally isolated sometimes, like no one can possibly understand, or maybe that people are tired of hearing you talk about it, but you’ve got this.
I know you might feel impatient because you wanted your healing to be done already, and there’s no end in sight, but you’ve got this.
I know you forget constantly, that often the thing that you’re healing from is the result of YEARS of living with some kind of trauma or health problem, known or unknown. Which means yes, it’s going to take a bit of time to unwind it and reboot a healthier operating system – physically, mentally, emotionally, and in other ways…
And that it can be SO FRUSTRATING, but you’ve got this.
I know that life might look easier and better for a lot of other people, but you’d be surprised to know what other humans are holding and walking through also.
The strength, scope, and resilience of the human spirit is vast. It’s far beyond our measuring or imagining and this vastness is not reserved for certain “special” humans only…you are included, so you have DEFINITELY got this.
I don’t need to know anything about you to believe in you 100%, to know that if you’re still alive, taking one breath at a time, you’ve absolutely got this.
You are doing it right now, you are healing.
You are reconnecting with the wise, wonderful, infinitely loving, capable and genuine part of yourself that is healthy, pure, and true.
You are doing an amazing job!
This post is your reminder, especially on the tough days, to keep going.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other, take those tender steps forward, and be kind to yourself when sometimes forward looks like backwards because, YOU’VE GOT THIS.
So save it if you need it, share it with someone you know could use it too, print it out, keep it in your journal, or by your bathroom mirror, fold it up and put it in your wallet, just keep remembering…
Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:
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