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In this episode, I answer the following question:

How can I truly believe I am enough while also seeking personal growth and improvement? A lot of what Liz talks about, especially trial and error and working on new practices to leave behind our limiting beliefs and things standing in our way really jives with me. But then in the back of my head, or sometimes screaming loud and proud is that voice saying, “You’re not enough. Don’t you see why you’re trying to improve yourself in all of these ways? Because you’re not enough!”

What You’ll Hear:

2:36 Self-acceptance and putting your attention on what you want
6:40 Appreciation practice
8:58 Forgiving the “You’re not enough” voice

Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Practice
Sara, Book 1
Ask and It Is Given
Money, and the Law of Attraction
The Vortex

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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!

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