Untame Your Erotic Body

  • Reclaim your sensuality
  • Stand up for your freedom
  • Deepen your connection to your erotic power


*Or Pay What You Can ($49 minimum)


A Personal Note from Elizabeth

If you're here checking out Untame Your Erotic Body, there's no doubt you've got something fierce and courageous inside you that is devoted to both personal and collective acts of freedom — and I want you to know how much that matters. Especially right now.

As women, most of us are socialized to think we can't protect ourselves.

And yes, sometimes we do need others to protect us. But there's a deeper spiritual and energetic truth most of us aren't taught. If we’re ever going to be truly safe in this world, the part of US that knows how to protect our softest, most tender, and sacred selves needs to be cultivated.

This experience is about doing just that.

Untame Your Erotic Body will help you connect to and integrate your strength and softness, your fierceness and your tenderness. And all of that includes your most radiant, passionate, sensual, loving nature—aka your EROTIC POWER.

Every time a woman learns to embody, express, and wield her erotic power, we all benefit.

I love that about us and it's both an honor and a pleasure to be your guide.



Why should I be ashamed to describe what nature was not ashamed to create? 

-Pietro Aretino

We are living in a time where women’s freedoms, especially those related to our bodies and choices, are being seriously threatened.


One of the most fruitful + effective ways to stand up for ourselves is to remember and reclaim our erotic power.

There's a lot of messaging out there telling us we should be afraid and I couldn't disagree more (I know this may sound insensitive. Not to worry—I'll get into why it's anything but during the 90-minute workshop included in the experience.) Just know that it's possible to be aware and engaged with the realities of life without being anxious or afraid.


Untame Your Erotic Body will orient and attune you to your wisest, most genuine, and most powerful parts so that your small self can finally take a seat AND a rest...

Through movement, short daily practices, and some potent teachings and energetic attunements, you'll be able to crowd out the fear, embody your sensual essence, anchor into your inner wisdom, and learn to work with your erotic energy and drivers. Mystically speaking, all of this goes so much farther in the "real world" than most people realize.


What's Included:

Everything you get when you join Untame Your Erotic Body


90-Minute Workshop: Intro To The Erotic Drivers – Desire, Discernment, and Delight

Explore the dark and bright sides of these powerful drivers and learn to partner with each for more surrender, ease, divine communion, and flow in your life.


Three Full-Length Erotic Body Classes

Move beyond the physical and awaken your erotic power through dynamic, sensual movement brought to life with themed playlists (one for each erotic driver - desire, discernment, and delight).


30 Days of "Daily Doses"

A mix of short, live-streamed (+ recorded) boosts of inspiration, embodiment practices, and energetic attunements to nurture and fortify your erotic energy daily.


Member Portal + Community Support

All content and community discussion + support are hosted in an easy-to-access and navigate online portal.


A Full Year Of Access To The Content + Community

While the experience itself only lasts 30 days, you will be able to access and revisit all of the content and the community for a full year


Surprise Bonuses!

If you've worked with me over the years, you know I have archives and archives of meditations, prayers, workshops, and embodiment practices and often decide to bonus them into experiences as inspiration strikes. You can expect at least a few of these during the experience

Why Join?

  • Reclaim Your Sensuality: Break free from societal restrictions and limiting beliefs around your erotic self and embrace fuller, healthier expression.

  • Stand Up For Your Freedom: In a time where our bodily autonomy is being challenged, spiritually and energetically reclaiming your erotic power is a radical act of self-sovereignty.


  • Deepen Your Connection To Your Erotic Power: Unlock the wisdom within your erotic drivers—desire, discernment, and delight—and learn how to partner with them to cultivate and protect your most sacred self.

  • Daily Support & Inspiration: Receive daily guidance to help you stay connected to your body’s impulses, intelligence, and energy.

“The erotic offers a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough.”

-Audre Lorde

"10/10 - Erotic Body classes are my favorite. I love how juicy and sensual they are."

- Keeley

"The sessions are deep. They move me in a different way. I loved the primal, sensual and even sexual way of moving. For a person who is struggling with intimacy, sexuality and libido, they awaken me a lot."

- Izabela

"I love these practices because I'm learning to enjoy the exploration of the sensual side."



The live experience runs September 22 - October 23

This is more than just a journey into movement. It’s an opportunity to reclaim your sovereignty and stand strong in the face of your AND our past, present, and future. By connecting to your erotic power, you’re engaging in acts of personal and collective healing, empowerment, sacredness, and liberation.

Pay In Full - $149

Is your money in a place where $149 is easily affordable for you? Excellent! Click the button below to pay in full!

Pay What You Can

Is $149 a stretch for you at the moment? I got you! Click the button below to select a lower rate at checkout ($49 minimum)

Archetypal Inspiration...

The Erotic Priestess, a Loving Wild Soul Archetype reminds us that the sacred body is our connection to Life itself. She is the loving gaze inward, the seer of love in all things, the overflowing cup to drink from when you need to come home to yourself and tend to your deepest needs. Embodiment is her healing medicine, connecting you directly to your soul through practice and devotion. She cannot be gaslit or manipulated and is unwilling to be subservient. She is the gateway for integrating spirituality, sensuality, and sexuality in the holiest of ways so that you may experience the joy, pleasure, and fulfillment of your WHOLE existence. A woman unto herself, she is the embodiment of self love, guiding you to fortify your healing, progress, and expansion through the lens of reverence, respect, and Divine Union with the Great Beloved. She is love personified, helping you to dissolve shame, guilt, and any old ways of self-sacrifice or abandonment.


"I just love the embodied movement practices - that's always been my favourite thing about Elizabeth's work."

- Vanessa

"Thank you so much for offering such a unique, much-needed space to explore different expressions of embodiment. I'm excited to continue this journey!"

- Anonymous

"This is my favorite practice! The slow, sensual movement with music helps me get out of my head. I can more easily let my body takeover and lead the way."

- Jillian


A's for your Q's

How much do I have to participate to experience change or transformation?

This isn't something I can give a definitive answer to as everyone is different and it depends on a lot of things. HOWEVER, what I recommend as a minimum is this: 1) Watch the Intro To Your Erotic Drivers workshop as soon as you can once the experience kicks off. 2) Engage more than you don't each week of the live experience. That means pop into the online portal at least 4 days of the week and do a little somethin' somethin', whether it's a daily dose, a full-length Erotic Body class, or watching/rewatching part or all of the Intro To Your Erotic Drivers Workshop.

What time and when will the workshop, classes, and live-stream daily doses be happening?

Workshop: 11AM Eastern on Sunday September 22. Recording will be posted to the portal within 24 hours.

Classes will all be recorded and accessible in the portal when you receive your access link on September 21.

Daily Doses will vary day-to-day based on my schedule, which I know our Type-A folks don't love, but honoring your erotic power is about finding a balance between structure and flow 😉


Does it matter if I'm new to embodiment or working with erotic energy and/or if I have sexual trauma?

It doesn't matter if you're new to this kind of work. This experience is designed to meet participants wherever they are in their relationship to their erotic power, from beginner to advanced. Regarding sexual trauma, this is is important—if you have active and unhealed / unaddressed sexual trauma, this work can and likely will trigger you at some point. That's not necessarily a reason not to join, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have qualified and accessible support available to you as sexual trauma healing is out of my scope of practice.

What kind of access to Elizabeth do I get during the experience and once it's over?

During the live experience I'll be in the community space everyday and you're welcome to comment on any posts I make, ask questions, and tag me if you want my insight on anything. After that, you'll be invited to participate in the monthly School of Sacred Embodiment Alumni Space Q+A.

Is there a minimum/maximum age Untame Your Erotic Body is most suitable for?

Minimum yes - 21. Maximum - no. Since 2013, one of the things I've loved so much and that our community has benefitted from in my spaces and containers is multigenerational diversity. We typically have women from their 20s to 60s + 70s in everything.

Is this just for heterosexual women?

No. We love our LGBTQ+ folks and are very conscious and aware with our language to be inclusive and acknowledging.

Is this just for cis-gendered women?

No. We celebrate and welcome anyone for whom "woman" is part of their gender identity, be that in a cis or fluid capacity, as well as nonbinary folks who genuinely desire to explore their distinctly feminine erotic power.

Do I need to have any particular spiritual practice or belief system for the experience to work for me?

No. Everything I offer is geared towards spiritually oriented people, but no specific belief system is best or required. You’ll be able to integrate Untame Your Erotic Body through whatever beliefs or context you come with.

Can men join?

No. While we love and honor our male companions, friends, and loved ones, this is not an appropriate container for their exploration.

What are your community standards + agreements?

I'm so glad you asked! This is something I take very seriously and have spent years honing and refining. Click here to read our most up-to-date Engagement Agreements + Code of Conduct.


Pay In Full - $149

Is your money in a place where $149 is easily affordable for you? Great, click the button below to pay in full!

Pay What You Can

Is $149 a stretch for you at the moment? I got you! Click the button below to select a lower rate ($49 minimum)


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