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I know I say this a lot, but I LOVED doing this interview. Keli Garza, founder of Steamy Chick is brilliant, hilarious and passionate. This conversation centers around vaginal health, specifically the health benefits, practice and history of vaginal steaming. I was so SO impressed with Keli’s deep knowledge, research, and experience on a topic I knew very little about going into the discussion. I’d love to tell you hearing the origin story of how she got into this work was my favorite part, but I had like seven favorite parts – you’re just going to have to listen and decide for yourself what’s most illuminating in this episode. Enjoy!

About Keli Garza:

Keli Garza holds a Masters degree in International Development graduating cum laude. A social science researcher by academic training, Keli has spent the past several years doing women’s health research and has founded a new field of discipline called peristeam hydrotherapy. Having recorded over six hundred peri-steam case studies, Keli holds the only known research database of its kind. Keli has worked to develop treatment protocols which are now becoming the industry standard. Her approach is unique in that she tailors treatment based on different menstrual patterns and that she works with an Oriental Medicine Doctor who prescribes specific herbs in the formulas. At Steamy Chick Keli oversees all operations and instructs online e-courses.

In this episode, Keli shares:

1. How the moon is ours
2. What cramping is – contracting, which means something is stuck
3. What a “perfect period” is

What You’ll Hear:

5:40 How Keli got started in making vagina steamers
19:30 Technical details on vaginal steaming + the standard healthy cycle
35:00 Navigating opposition + skepticism in the medical world with vaginal steaming

Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:

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