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Today’s Sermon is based around an experience I had earlier this week. If you’re on Instagram and you ever watch my stories, you know I go to the beach most mornings out of the week. It’s where and how I connect, and make time to attune myself to nature, who for me and I believe for all who are willing to pay close attention – is my greatest teacher.

She is a master at using what she has.
She doesn’t take more than she needs.
She’s extremely mysterious but always reveals exactly what you need to know in a way you can receive and understand it.

I get a lot out of time in nature, especially by the ocean. Especially lately in Point Dume, here in Malibu. So listen in to some reflections I had during and after climbing up the highest peak and walking out to the furthest cliff.


Rumi Oracle: An Invitation into the Heart of the Divine

Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:

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