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We did it y’all, bonus episode and all. Today we wrap up the Journey Into the Wild Soul and what I’m focusing on in this final episode of the series is moving forward.

How do we face forward and get moving in the direction we want to be going?

How do we get on with creating, being, doing, having and embodying the things that we want?

Hopefully you’ve listened to episode 285 and are more familiar now with the differences between desires of the ego and desires of the soul…

If not I suggest listening to that at some point soon after this, because that makes things easier – to be in pursuit of the desires of our souls, not our egos.

I also talk about energy in this episode.

Energy is everything. Having awareness around your energy and how you can effect it with relative ease and bring good energy to things and experiences makes a massive difference on your life.


What You’ll Hear:

6:25 How to know if POWER 2019 is for you
12:09 The new year’s industrial complex
14:23 On moving forward + bringing better energy to things
20:05 How being the change starts with baby steps
25:30 Cultivating an internal environment of peace and acceptance
27:21 A guiding question to ask yourself going into 2019


Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:

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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!

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