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This is a fierce conversation if I’ve ever had one. I was recently on our guest, Emelia Symington Fedy‘s radio show and we essentially started our conversation there, then got into all the things we couldn’t cover on her show in this chat because lucky for me, I don’t have to answer to a producer! We talked about integrity in art, creation and self help, spiritual capitalism and commodification, “money stuff”, and I’ll tell you right now, you’re going to love her answer to our signature, “What do you love about being a woman?” question! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

About Emelia Symington Fedy:

Emelia is comfortable live and on the spot, gives great interview and loves being on podcasts. Just ask.

She freelances for online magazines, print and radio. Big resume. Again, ask.

Emelia loves to perform her personal stories live.

She offers personal workshops on “how to be yourself onstage” and “how to be yourself online.” online.

She also does slammin’ reviews if you want a good and honest critique of your product/yoga studio/boyfriend.

Emelia’s is excellent at hosting facilitated conversations at events about contemporary spirituality, neo-feminism and the use of social acupuncture.

Emelia is a speaking gigger. She loves this maybe the most.

And if you need coaching on how to be your brightest, best self at a speaking gig, she can make that happen too; from initial writing to story arc to performance stylings. Give a call.

Emelia’s fav thing in the world would be if you subscribed to her weekly heart and guts: www.tryingtobegood.com/subscribe

Check out www.thechoptheatre.com for more of Emelia’s art making.

She also teaches AcroYoga and private yoga sessions, with focus on grief and slow healing.

In this episode, Emelia shares:

1. Contrived vs authentic content
2. How it feels when something is canned and planned versus spontaneous
3. The challenges of being a creative entrepreneur (whether you like it, choose it or not!)

What You’ll Hear:

5:57 The current state of the self-help industry + spiritual capitalism
14:37 The spirituality of money, poverty mentality, and charging for your services in business
40:18 How it’s a disservice to not sell your programs and invite people
44:45 Creativity, autonomy, and authenticity in business + why discernment is important

Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:

You Wanna Be Famous? by Emelia Symington Fedy
Emelia interviewing Elizabeth
Rick Rubin/Tim Ferriss podcast
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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!

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Was this episode helpful for you today? I’d love to know what quote or lesson touched your soul. Let me know in the comments below!