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As Valentine’s Day 2016 approaches the topic of love is on a lot of people’s radars so it felt appropriate to do a podcast this week about the most important love of your life – your self-love. Because it’s such a juicy topic, I’m also hosting a free five-day experience called The #untamedSELFlove experience which you can join by visiting between February 10-14, 2016.
In today’s episode we’ll take a close look at what is self-love and what is it not – making sure to go beyond the surface level balms and band-aids a lot of popular advice offers and get to the root of things to make loving yourself a very deep, very real, very felt, and very long-lasting experience.
In this episode, I jam on the following topics:
1. The first time I ever consciously felt deep self-love
2. How much of the self-love advice out there doesn’t get to the root of things
What You’ll Hear:
6:26 The elements of untamed self-love
9:56 How to know if you really love you
Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:
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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!
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Was this episode helpful for you today? I’d love to know what quote or lesson touched your soul. Let me know in the comments below!