In Wild Soul Movement one of our topics that we spend time on is Wild Dreaming + Desire.

In my own life, my work with women, and my interviews in Untame The Wild Soul Woman, I learned that a lot of us stifle our imaginations and creativity when it comes to this topic.

We talk ourselves out of wild dreams and desires because we either don’t think we deserve them or can’t conceive of how they would be possible.

So we give up.

I’m here to stand for you to re-engage with your wild dreams and desires. Remember when you were little, the ridiculous things you imagined yourself doing as a grown up?

My most ridiculous one was being the first woman in the NBA (I was a MEGA tomboy from grades 2-8).

What was yours?

And what is it now?

If you have trouble spewing out the answer to “What is it now?” Here’s a few ways to spark your creative juices and possibility muscles:

Pick the area of your life you are least satisfied with (love, career, body, family…etc). The reason why is what we want is usually hanging out directly on the other side of what we don’t want.

Once you’ve got that figured out, answer this question , “What would it look like in your wildest dreams?” The rules for your answers are: Nothing is impossible, you can just have anything you want, the exactly way you want it – or something better.

Don’t hold back at all…even if you feel silly. In fact if you aren’t thinking “yeaaaahhh riiigghhhtt!” as you imagine, you’re not getting wild enough.

Most of us get it backwards, we think we need to know the “how” before we can commit to or even fathom the “what.”

It’s the “what” that fuels the “how,” not the other way around. >> Click to Tweet.

To your wildest dreams!

PS — You know what makes your wildest dreams one step closer to possible? Declaring them! I double dare you to share this post on Facebook today and include your wildest dream(s) in your post!