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Today’s topic addresses something I get asked about a lot and it was top of mind for me as I just spent a week visiting my family on the East Coast. For me it was the most fun and enjoyable visit I’ve had with them since I moved out of my parents’ home after college and more significantly, decided to leave the religion I was raised in, and decided to pursue a very different and non-traditional path both personally and professionally. All of this has required some real healing, adjusting and re-orienting of things. That’s what I’m focusing on in today’s Sermon.
I also want to add that we recently surveyed our audience and one question I asked was if people listen to the sermons, and then why or why not. Many people who said no mentioned being triggered by the word Sermon – which makes sense. So I want to remind you all that everything I do and create is centered around the belief that everything you’ve ever needed has always been inside of YOU – and even these sermons are for that purpose. To spark your own truth, power, wisdom, and right action. Sometimes they’ll land for you, other times they won’t. Always trust your own discernment.
That said, I hope today’s topic is useful for you – and if you know anyone else who would benefit from it, please share. xo, E
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