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The Gift of Grace

The Gift of Grace

In the School of Sacred Embodiment, we believe that the gift of grace is not only something we can muster but also, in its highest form, a divine force. Today, we explore grace as an unstoppable channel that, once accepted, will come through with every opportunity it can to provide closure, release, and healing wherever needed.

Throughout the episode, you will hear personal anecdotes and beautiful stories that demonstrate the active presence of grace in daily routines, from encountering Earth Angels to experiencing moments of profound healing. We also discuss various practices for cultivating grace, such as movement, being with nature, and embodying The Divine Mother archetype. If you have your own stories of being touched by grace, we invite you to share your experiences with us at

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Boundaries and Alchemizing Anger

Boundaries and Alchemizing Anger

So often, boundaries are misunderstood as a negative form of control rather than a structure that invites self-awareness, establishes healthy relationships, and highlights our true passions. In today’s episode, we dive into the significance of anger as a source of information that reveals our boundaries, needs, and the necessary steps in our healing journey.

Plus, we explore The Warrior Goddess archetype and how it can help us alchemize our anger to fuel transformative action towards what truly needs to be defended or protected. By facing uncomfortable truths and taking action for the things we care about, we can learn from the wisdom of The Warrior Goddess and better ourselves in the process.

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Root Work with Elizabeth DiAlto

Root Work with Elizabeth DiAlto

ROOT WORK Weaving a healthier, more harmonious world into being where everybody has the chance to thrive.Instead of the famous, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Root Work invites you to answer a few different questions:What would you do if you knew...

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What Is Your Medicine?

What Is Your Medicine?

This week’s episode is an invitation to recognize and honor your unique medicines (which may reach beyond how you’ve thought about “medicine” before).

As we explore the concept of “your medicine,” I’m encouraging you to ask yourself what it means and where it lives within you and offering The Medicine Woman archetype to help. I explain how this archetype embodies alchemy and provides guidance for navigating life’s complexities while accessing your inner truths.

The Medicine Woman’s multidimensionality brings the potential to break lineage patterns, embrace intergenerational gifts, release victim stories, and more. Enjoy!

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Revolutionary, Liberatory, and Soul-Satisfying Love

Revolutionary, Liberatory, and Soul-Satisfying Love

Today’s episode weaves together lessons on love inspired by the words and perspectives of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jaiya John, Alana Fairchild, Tosha Silver, and Rumi. As we navigate through a world that is plagued with atrocities and heavily warped by what we see on social media, staying in love has become more and more of a difficult task.

Throughout our sermon, we dive into the intricacies of love, including the concept of fierce love and why love isn’t always polite, considerate, or comfortable. We also explore the multifaceted nature of love, the significance of embodying love in your actions, behaviors, and choices, as well as how to view the world through the eyes of love.

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Your Unique and Dynamic Masculine + Feminine Energy

Your Unique and Dynamic Masculine + Feminine Energy

Following some much-needed quiet time during the winter break, the podcast is back and for the next few months, the Sunday sermons from our Wild Soul Sunday Services are going to be at the heart of the episodes.

In today’s sermon, we explore the interplay between masculine and feminine energies, celebrating their unique and fluid nature within all of us. Throughout the episode, you are invited to contemplate these energies, with whatever language you use to describe them, as they transcend conventional gender associations and embrace the principles without limitations. We discuss how to allow The Divine to guide you in embracing your multifaceted self at all stages of change, healing, and growth and contribute positively to our world’s artistic interconnectedness.

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