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Today we have Janelle Hardy with us – what’s cool about Janelle is that I’d actually not been familiar with her work until she interviewed me on her podcast. It was such an enjoyable conversation – there’s a link to it in the show notes – that I wanted her on our show. I wanted more of her energy and to know more about what she does, and so this is a really enjoyable interview.
We talk about the importance of self-reclamation and self-expression, and how watching your children grow up brings up your own issues as they progress through their own timeline. We talk about the process of getting to know yourself, shedding layers to find your wholeness, and about bodywork, as Janelle is a bodyworker, and I was really curious about the energetics of that when you have your hands on so many people’s bodies and how that affects you and your life every day. We also talk about cultural experiences, socialization, and the relationship between grief and rage and how that relates to your ancestry.
Enjoy and share!
About Janelle Hardy:
Janelle Hardy specializes in working with curious, creative sensitive people who long to heal from and work with their lifestories by writing their memoirs, but keep putting it off for lack of support.
She’s the founder of the Art of Personal Mythmaking, a transformational memoir-writing process which guides people through the process of writing the first draft of their memoirs while deepening and healing their relationship to their lifestory.
It’s mythopoetic –her gentle, kind and knowledgeable teaching style incorporates ancient tales such as fairytales and mythology with embodiment and creative writing prompts. It’s also deep, playful and empowering.
Janelle is from the far north of Canada, the Yukon Territory, where she grew up on the traditional territory of the Ta’an Kwach’an and Kwanlin Dun people, and currently lives in BC, Canada, in Okanagan Valley wine country on Syilx land.
Her background in dance (MA) anthropology (BA) and hands-on healing bodywork (Hellerwork Structural Integration) means she’s an expert in people watching, seeing where blockages and stuck spots are, then offering assistance to get things flowing again.
Her background in heartbreak, joy and solo mothering have made her intimate with loss, grief and the tremendous capacity we all have, as humans, to thrive and heal.
For more information go to
What You’ll Hear:
4:31 The importance of self-reclamation + self-expression
10:51 How having children grow up brings up your own triggers
21:30 On the process of getting to know yourself
30:55 Reclamation and shedding layers to finding wholeness
33:36 All about the realm of body work
41:43 How cultural experiences have impacted Janelle’s navigating socialization
53:41 The importance of feeling grief and rage in deepening ancestry
Outline Your Memoir Workshop
Elizabeth on Janelle’s Podcast
Nisha Moodley Facebook Post
Elliott Hulse On Masculine Archetypes And Becoming A King
The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Devotion: A Memoir
I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual
Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:
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