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In this episode, I answer the following questions:

How do I get past the fear of not being good enough?
How do I let go of the control of the outcome of things when I have so much fear?
How do I move past a moment when I am seized in fear?
I often come from a place of fear almost as a protection from possible pain and failure. How can I change this?
How can I own my right to make my own decisions when there’s fear of losing what I have?
Some of my physical ailments are caused by inner fear and pain I’m holding onto. How can I let that go?
How can I let go of fear or pain from past trauma?

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What You’ll Hear:

3:04 Tools to help move you through a moment when you’re stuck in fear
6:22 Letting go of the need to control things
9:16 Handling failure + dealing with your current situation
13:18 Handling inner work and healing through physical movement
15:30 Moving though fear and past trauma
16:54 Getting to the root of not being enough

23 Prayers and 29 Mantras
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
Ho’oponopono Video

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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!

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