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Body Love + Reverence

Body Love + Reverence

In this episode, we’re taking a deeper look at Body Love + Reverence.

Relating to our bodies is something that’s interwoven into every single day and moment of our lives. This is the main reason I’m so passionate about bringing love and reverence to the experience of having a body for women.

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Wild Soul Liberation + Dream Team Chat

Wild Soul Liberation + Dream Team Chat

In this episode, I am joined by the School of Sacred Embodiment’s community manager, and 1/2 of our two person Dream Team, the loving and incredibly tender-hearted Marjolaine Millette. We discuss Marjolaine’s transformation following the Wild Soul Liberation framework, and how calling off a wedding, plus navigating emotions around grief and death, allowed her to honor all parts of herself and connect with the divine in a deeper, more intentional way.

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