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This week’s question is:
PROCRASTINATION. I would love some insight on this–the whys, energetic and otherwise, the underlying reasons/beliefs that power it, and how to move away from it. I’ve always found I do my best focusing and best work in the final hours, but honestly it’s not great for self-care. And I have procrastinated, literally, my entire life. As long as I can remember, and far back into my childhood years, so it’s a deep-seeded thing that started for some reason or another.
Big Ideas:
1. How to know when procrastination is Divine Timing and honor it
2. Dealing with the fear/resistance piece
3. One of the biggest reasons – you don’t know what steps to take
4. Why progress feels so hard when there’s no momentum
What You’ll Hear:
3:16 What to do when you find yourself in a moment of procrastination
8:59 Ways to flip your momentum towards what you want
Elizabeth’s controversial opinion post
Lisa Berkovitz On Letting Soul Lead
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