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I’m so excited to kick off 2018 with a dynamic and fascinating conversation. Today’s guest, Kaila Prins is a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur whose list of skills range from burlesque performance and podcasting to copywriting and needle felting. We talked a lot about performance and all the things it helped her to reclaim and discovery after recovering from an eating disorder. We got into navigating life as a busy person with a lot of commitments, comedic relief, problematic comedy, and many many ways we can do less harm. This was a really fun one. Enjoy!
About Kaila Prins:
Kaila Prins is a body positive wellness coach focusing on recovery and health at every size.
After recovering from anorexia, orthorexia, and exercise addiction, Kaila started her blog and a companion podcast called “Finding Our Hunger” to help others improve their relationships with their bodies and begin the journey toward body acceptance and recovery.
Kaila received a health coaching certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
She currently writes for Everyday Feminism on body image and is a member of the Everyday Feminism Speakers Bureau.
She has been published, quoted, and/or profiled in The Washington Post, The Guardian, Fitness
Magazine, Elle Magazine, xoJane, Psychology Today, Proud2BeMe, Greatist, Quartz,, Healthline, Broadly, Claudia (Brazil), Klikk (Norway), and more.
She currently lives in San Jose, CA and travels around the country and the world to promote body
positivity and recovery.
In this episode, Kaila shares:
1. Identity economics
2. Reclaiming the “gaze” as a performer
3. Asking questions of people you don’t agree with
What You’ll Hear:
4:17 On toxic masculinity and Kaila’s journey though eating disorder recovery
20:49 Navigating being a multi-passionate person + communication in relationships
32:03 Using humor in healing + problematic comedy and playing to the tropes
47:08 Triggers within teaching performance
Brene Brown’s Super Soul Session on The Anatomy of Trust
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
Click here to watch/listen or scroll upward to listen only:
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Get your copy of the Untame Yourself book on Amazon!
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