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Our topic today has to do with that last sentence of the intro to these Sunday sermons, about remembering that you are made from love, you are love, and you are loved. I get a lot of notes from people telling me how much they love hearing that every week, that they need the reminder, that the truth of this feels so nourishing, that even when the head wants to object, the heart knows it’s the truth.

So I was thinking about this the other morning at the time of this recording and I had a little epiphany about choosing love over fear. This is something you may have heard before, in some context or another, to choose love over fear. It’s a fairly common cornerstone of lots of ancient teachings, wisdom traditions, and faiths. And while it sounds so beautiful, and like it should totally work, just choose love over fear…right….got it.

It’s much easier to say than do. Listen in for my thoughts on how to actually do this in a way that works for us and honors who we each are, and how we’re each designed.

Sunday Sermon #6: Holy Consistency

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