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Wild Soul Liberation + Dream Team Chat

Wild Soul Liberation + Dream Team Chat

In this episode, I am joined by the School of Sacred Embodiment’s community manager, and 1/2 of our two person Dream Team, the loving and incredibly tender-hearted Marjolaine Millette. We discuss Marjolaine’s transformation following the Wild Soul Liberation framework, and how calling off a wedding, plus navigating emotions around grief and death, allowed her to honor all parts of herself and connect with the divine in a deeper, more intentional way.

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Living My Best Social Media Less Life

Living My Best Social Media Less Life

In this episode, I’m sharing some updates and reflections from my social media logout and musing about what could be possible if more people took the time to carefully consider the impacts of so much social media. I’m also exploring the importance of experimenting and testing things out to find the best answers to life’s biggest questions. In a world where so many people are constantly telling us what and how to think, practicing thinking for ourselves and drawing informed conclusions is a really important practice.

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POWER 2023

POWER 2023: Yearlong Mystical Mentorship with Elizabeth DiAlto[ba_icon_box use_image="on" icon_image="" title="A FEW BIG QUESTIONS + ONE MYSTICAL ANSWER" icon_size="130px"...

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About The School ofSacred EmbodimentHi, I'm Elizabeth. I’m the founder of the School of Sacred Embodiment (est. Sept 2013) and Host of the Embodied podcast (est. May 2015). Essentially, I am a map-making mystic, here to help guide you home to yourself. Think of me...

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Reclaiming My Focus

Reclaiming My Focus

Something I’ve been diligent about as I approach 40 is taking stock of where I give people way too much access to me. One of the main places I see it happening is on social media. I’ve also been reflecting on how distractions have impacted my life, especially through the lens of my neurodivergence.

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Different Ways to Let Go

Different Ways to Let Go

I’ve been teaching people healthy and do-able ways to let things go for almost 10 years now. I say healthy and do-able because a lot of approaches are just too intense. As much as we might want to snap our fingers and let go of habits, behaviors, relationships, or things that happened in the past, the process of release is usually ongoing. 

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