6-month Self Love Immersion with Elizabeth DiAlto. Embody Self Love, Healing, Wholeness, and Liberation
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Embodying Our Way to Liberation
Nov 14 - Dec 12FREE 4-week COURSE:Embodying Our Way to LiberationFoundational Embodiment Practices and Energetic Tools for creating a life and a world you can be proud ofWhat90-minute Wild Soul Fusion class and a 2-hour workshop on Ego Desires v. Soul Desires. Attend...
Bridging Science and the Sacred with Dr Maya Shetreat
Join us as we chat with Dr. Maya Shetreat, a neurologist, herbalist and astrologer who is bridging science and the sacred.
Plant Medicine and Ancestral Healing with Francisca Santibañez
Francisca Santibañez guided me in some beautiful plant medicine and ancestral healing and I’m so excited to share her with you in this episode!
Food, Love, Family, and Creative Courage with Suzanne Barr
In this episode Suzanne Barr, professional chef and author of My Ackee Tree talks food, love, family, and creative courage with Elizabeth
Follow Your Calling in Each Season of Life with Chela Davison
To follow your calling is a very compelling thing for a lot of us – today Chela Davison gives us some insight on following our callings in each season of life.